Lectures > Lecture 3Lecture 3 by Rajmund Mokso, DTU Physics, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. & Lund University, Sweden. Title: Methods for time-resolved X-ray tomographic microscopy and multi-scale acquisition. IX-ray tomographic microscopy may be performed with conventional X-ray sources or using synchrotron radiation. The specificities of synchrotron X-ray imaging is the high speed. Individual angular projections are acquired on a sub-ms time-frame and the entire tomographic dataset in a fraction of a second. This enables time resolved studies of dynamic processes at the micrometre spatial and sub-second temporal resolution. Despite this fast acquisition in dynamic tomography, the sample is often evolving quicker, giving rise to motion artefact in the reconstructed volume. I will present state-of-the-art acquisition and reconstruction methods which can reduce those artefacts. Biography: Rajmund Mokso holds a joint position as senior scientist at the Technical University of Denmark and Lund University in Sweden. The main research activities include the development of X-ray tomographic methods for in-vivo and in-situ studies. |
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