SpeakersLecture 1: Henry PROUDHON, MINES ParisTech, France Meshing tomographic images to bridge experiments and material simulations Lecture 2: Etienne DECENCIERE, MINES ParisTech, France Achievements and challenges of semantic image segmentation with deep learning Lecture 3: Rajmund MOKSO, DTU Physics, Denmark. & Lund University, Sweden Multi-resolution and time resolved acquisitions Lecture 4: Jean-Yves BUFFIERE, MATEIS INSA-Lyon, Villeurbanne, France In situ monitoring of experiments using synchrotron X rays Lecture 5: Dominique BERNARD, ICMCB-CNRS, Pessac, France Finite volumes and porous materials Lecture 6: Lars P. MIKKELSEN, DTU Wind Energy, Dennmark Mapping local material characteristics into finite element models for predicting stiffness and compressive Lecture 7: Pierre J.J. DUMONT, Univ. Lyon, INSA-Lyon, CNRS, LaMCoS, UMR5259, Villeurbanne, France Microstructural evolution of composite materials with discontinuous fibre reinforcements during forming processes: 3D characterisation and simulation Lecture 8: Stéphane ROUX, U. Paris Saclay, ENS Paris Saclay, CentraleSupélec, CNRS, Saclay, France Materials law identification Lecture 9: Christophe MARTIN, SIMap/GPM2, Grenoble, France Coupling discrete element simulations to tomographic images: from elasticity to fracture Lecture 10: Henning LOEWE, Snow Physics Group, Davos Dorf, Switzerland Ephemeral snow crystals on the ground -- Can we infer local non-equilibrium thermodynamics at growing |
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